A Self-portrait of the Equestrian Horse

2018 / NWOSU Artist-in-Residence Program in collaboration with Molten Capital Artist Residency, Chile.

Detail of part of the exhibition On the Marvelous Generic, held at Jesse Dunn Annex, NWOSU, Oklahoma, United States.

A Self-Portrait of an Equestrian Statue (Oh, I wish I was an Equine Statue). Installation. Drawing on black oil drum. Drawing: 45,7 x 61 cm. Oil drum: dimensions variable. 2018

On the Joyous Liberation of the Equestrian Statue (or all the horses greet me as a friend) Blue duct tape, blue paint and graphite on paper. Installation: 310 x 125 cm. Drawing. 45,7 x 61 each. 2018



2018 / NWOSU Artist-in Residence en colaboración con Residencias Molten Capital, Chile

Detalle de parte de la exhibición On the Marvelous Generic. en Jesse Dunn Annex, NWOSU, Oklahoma, Estados Unidos

A Self-Portrait of an Equestrian Statue (Oh, I wish I was an Equine Statue). Instalación. Dibujo y tambor de acero negro. Dibujo: 45,7 x 61 cm. Tambor: medidas variables. 2018

On the Joyous Liberation of the Equestrian Statue (or all the horses greet me as a friend). Instalación. Cinta sellaductos azul, latex azul y grafito sobre papel. Dibujos 45,7 x 61 cm cada dibujo. Total: 310 x 125 cm. 2018